Miracle Money Magnets – Unlock the Flow of Abundance and Wealth with Your Money Vibration


Miracle Money Magnets is a powerful force in our lives. When we experience a low money vibration, it can feel like money is being repelled away, creating a cycle of constant financial struggle. You may find yourself dealing with the same financial problems again and again, as if you’re stuck in a bad movie that repeats on a Saturday afternoon. Bills pile up, credit card debt grows, and there never seems to be a way out. The good news is, you can change this by raising your money vibration and attracting abundant wealth into your life.

Just like a water hose, your money vibration connects your subconscious mind to the flow of money. If that hose is kinked or blocked, money will only trickle in. But when the hose is straight, like water, money will flow with speed and power. The secret to abundance lies in aligning your energy and mindset with wealth.

What is Money Vibration?

Money has a vibration – a unique energetic frequency. And you also have a vibration about money. These two vibrations are directly connected. If your money vibration is low, money is repelled away from you. If your money vibration is high, money flows into your life with ease and abundance.

Most people struggle with money resistance because they’ve developed negative money beliefs over time. These limiting beliefs, often rooted in childhood experiences, the media, societal messages, or even religious teachings, shape how you view money. As a result, money becomes something that’s hard to come by or something to fear. When you harbor negative emotions about money, the flow of money becomes blocked, and you can’t seem to get ahead.

The good news is that you can break free from this cycle by changing your money vibration set-point. This is the starting point to attracting wealth and abundance into your life. With the Miracle Money Magnets program, you can begin to reset your money vibration and unlock the flow of money into your life.

Why Do We Struggle with Money?

Many people are programmed to struggle with money from an early age. Whether it’s from the messages they hear from their families, the media, or their social circles, they learn to view money as something that’s difficult to attain, dangerous, or simply out of reach. Here’s why:

  1. Negative Messages About Wealth: From movies to television shows, we often see wealthy people depicted as villains, untrustworthy, or selfish. Over time, this creates a negative association with wealth, making people believe that they don’t deserve to be rich.
  2. Educational System: The educational system often fails to teach us about wealth-building, entrepreneurship, or financial literacy. Instead, we’re taught to get a job, work hard, and save money. Yet, most people are never educated on how to build real wealth.
  3. Religious Teachings: Many spiritual teachings misunderstand money and often portray poverty as being more spiritual or virtuous. However, religious texts say that when you’re blessed, you will have overflowing abundance – which includes financial prosperity.
  4. Inherited Habits from Parents: If your parents struggled with money, it’s likely that you inherited their negative money beliefs and patterns. These beliefs are often passed down from generation to generation, creating a cycle of financial struggle.

Your Money Vibration Set-Point Determines Your Wealth

Here’s the catch: Your money vibration is the key to your financial reality. It dictates whether money flows freely to you or if you’re stuck in a cycle of lack and limitation. Your subconscious money programming will determine whether you are wealthy or just getting by.

It doesn’t matter how much you earn – whether it’s $40,000 a year or $400,000. If your money vibration is set to low, no matter how much money you earn, it will never last. This happens because your mind and subconscious are not aligned with abundance, and you will continually return to your comfort zone of financial struggle.

You’ve likely heard of the wealthy doctor or the movie star who makes millions, only to lose it all. This is because, despite their outward wealth, they have a money vibration set-point that is still stuck in lack or poverty. They are not aligned with the frequency of abundance, and no matter how much they make, they end up losing it all. This is a powerful lesson: Money is not just physical – it’s also mental, emotional, and vibrational.

Why Some People Stay Rich While Others Struggle

Have you ever wondered why some people continue to attract wealth while others stay stuck in poverty, no matter how hard they try? It all comes down to money vibration. People who consistently attract money are in alignment with the abundant flow of money. They are mentally, emotionally, and vibrationally attuned to wealth.

On the other hand, those who struggle with money often have negative beliefs or emotional resistance around wealth. These limiting beliefs can block the flow of money, keeping them stuck in a cycle of lack. As much as they want wealth, they continue to attract financial problems and limitations.

This can apply to anyone, no matter their background. Whether you grew up in poverty or had everything handed to you, your money vibration will ultimately determine whether you live in abundance or struggle financially.

The Secret to Wealth: Change Your Money Vibration Set-Point

If you want to change your financial reality, you must change your money vibration set-point. This is where the Miracle Money Magnets program comes in. It’s designed to help you:

  1. Raise your money vibration set-point to attract abundance.
  2. Break free from negative money beliefs that keep you stuck.
  3. Align your mind and emotions with wealth.
  4. Open the flow of money into your life, so it can come to you easily and abundantly.

How the Miracle Money Magnets System Works

The Miracle Money Magnets system is built on a combination of neuro-science, psychology, and the physics of energy. It’s a step-by-step process that helps you reprogram your subconscious mind and change your emotional and mental relationship with money.

Here’s how Miracle Money Magnets works:

  1. STEP 1 – I Am Worthy of Money and Wealth:
    The first step to attracting abundance is believing that you are worthy of wealth. If you don’t believe that you deserve money, it’s impossible to keep it. By aligning your subconscious mind with a wealth mindset, you can begin to attract abundance into your life.
  2. STEP 2 – Words That Attract Money:
    Words have power. Negative words about money, like “I can’t afford that” or “Money doesn’t grow on trees,” repel money. Instead, use words that attract wealth, such as “Money flows easily to me” or “I am abundant.” Your words represent your thoughts and beliefs, so changing them can shift your financial reality.
  3. STEP 3 – Stop Negative Money Beliefs:
    Negative money beliefs can sabotage your success. You might not even be aware of the limiting beliefs you have about money. By identifying and replacing these beliefs, you can break free from financial struggle.
  4. STEP 4 – Money Vibration Reset:
    Just like a thermostat, your money vibration needs to be reset. If it’s set to “just getting by,” you will always be stuck in that state. By resetting your money vibration to a higher frequency, you can start attracting more money into your life.
  5. STEP 5 – The Laws of Millionaires:
    Millionaires think and act differently than the average person. They have a mindset and habits that attract wealth. By adopting the mindset and laws of millionaires, you too can become financially successful.


When our money vibration is low … money is repelled away.

So money struggles repeat over and over like a bad movie on a Saturday afternoon cable channel.

Miracle Money Magnets

If your money vibration is high … money flows into your life easily in abundance.


This is why some people have more money and opportunities than they can keep up with.


Money has a vibration. And you have a vibration ABOUT money.


These are connected like a water hose between your subconscious mind and the flow of money.


If the water hose is kinked or blocked, money will only trickle into your life.


But if the hose is straight, like water, money will flow with speed and power.


If you have emotional resistance to money, the hose will get blocked and block money from coming into your life.


If you have negative money beliefs, that will also slow the flow of money into you life.


Unfortunately, most people have emotional money resistance and negative money beliefs.


When this happens, the bills pile up, credit card debt keeps growing, and there never seems to be a way to get ahead, and causes stress, frustration and sleepless nights.


The only way to break the chains of debt and money struggle is to change your Money Vibration set-point.
Your money vibration will either attract money or push it away.


It determines if you are wealthy or just getting by.


If money is a roller coaster ride of highs and lows, or a constantly overflowing bank account.

The good news is that you can change your money vibration set-point to high you change the flow of money into your life. Raise your money vibration, increase the flow of money into your life.


This is a combination of neuro-science, psychology, emotional intelligence, and the physics of energy.


I call it your money vibration code. And it directly effects wether you are rich or just getting by.

Most people think that money is a physical thing. And it is of course when you are holding cash and coins in your hand, but there is also a non-physical, emotional, mental, and vibrational component that is much more powerful.


Let me explain and demystify the secrets to wealth for you because the invisible side of money makes the difference of whether your bank account is full or empty.

Your mind and emotions impacts your reality

In order for you to change your life, you need to change the subconscious programming of your mind and emotions. There is no way around it.


Many people want to change their life and be wealthy, but they keep repeating the same ineffective thinking, habits and emotions, which gets them the same result over and over.



If you keep doing the same thing you will always get the same results.



Raise your money vibration and money flows into your life like a river.



Lower your money vibration and money will disappear from you faster than your cheap friend when the check comes at the restaurant. We all have a friend like that. And if you don’t. You might be that person.

In the thousands of clients I have worked with, I have found that the biggest problem for most people is related to money. This is no surprise and why most people are in debt and struggle with bills.

Now for the million dollar question …why do we struggle with money?


We are programmed by TV, movies, and the news, that rich people are bad or jerks. And nobody wants to be a villain in real life.


We were educated by a school system that pays teachers so little that it’s impossible to survive on one income. So how are they supposed to educate us about being wealthy?


Spiritual leaders misunderstand money and indirectly tell us that poverty is more enlightened or spiritual, even though the religious texts actually say, “When you are blessed, you will be overflowed with abundance.” That includes money.


And your parents probably struggled with money and so you inherited their negative money vibration and habits.

You have literally been programmed to have money problems. It has happened all you life and it continues to happen every day.

And the crazy part is that it doesn’t matter if you make $40,000 a year or $400,000. If you have a negative money vibration you will always struggle with money.

Ever heard of the wealthy doctor who owns a mansion, fancy cars, and goes on exotic vacations, and yet, he goes bankrupt? Ever hear about the movie star who made millions on each film, but then loses everything.


It happens all the time. That’s because they have a money vibration set-point set to zero. Sometimes below zero.


If it can happen to those people who make amazing amounts of money … it can happen to anyone. And it will keep happening until you change your money vibration code.

How does someone make millions of dollars per year and then lose it all? It’s because their money vibration set-point is set to zero. So no matter how much money a person makes, they must go back to zero.

Typical me, I went all out to make it special… as I always did.

So that they are aligned with their subconscious money vibration set-point and subconscious money beliefs. This happens because subconsciously and vibrationally, they are uncomfortable with lots of money.

That might sound crazy, because everybody dreams of lots of money. Money might feel good in the moment, but at some point, there is too much resistance in the person’s money vibration, and it must return to its comfort zone. Like a stretched rubberband, it will go back to its original shape.


People who have a sudden increase in wealth like going from zero to millions like a movie star or a lotto winner, still have a poverty money money vibration. So they lose it all because they are playing out their subconscious money vibration code and they don’t even know why it is happening.

You have also heard of the kid who grew up poverty in the hood, but then builds a successful business that raises himself out of poverty forever. You’ve heard of the woman that was living out of her car with her kids, and wrote her first book in coffee shop, and then becomes a famous author selling millions of books.

You’ve probably read the book about the everyday millionaires. Regular people that have normal jobs, but have high money vibration habits that made them millionaires.

There is a saying that proves to be true over and over, “If you win the million dollar lottery, then you better become a millionaire real fast.”


What does that mean?


If a person who has struggled with money all their life wins millions, they need to transform into a millionaire mentality too, or they will lose all their money fast

The proof to this is in a Reader’s Digest article that says that 70% of lotto winners go bankrupt within five years. Many are worse off then before winning the lottery.


Does that mean you should not win lotto or become a millionaire?


Of course not, but it does illustrate that money is not only physical. Money is also mental, emotional and vibrational.


If money was only a physical thing, every lotto winner would be rich for the rest of their life. And few people would struggle with money.


To be rich, you must reprogram your mind, emotions, and beliefs to raise your money vibration code.


The kid that grows up in the hood, and the woman who slept in her car, they were already millionaires even though the money was not … YET … in their bank account.

Wealth is clearly more about mindset and vibration than it is about the physical cash in your bank account. Your bank account is a real world manifestation of you subconscious mindset and money vibration.


Let me give you an example that I am sure you have heard a thousand times. This illustrates the negative social collective consciousness about money and why so many people struggle with money.


“The rich keep getting richer, while the poor keep getting poorer.”


You’ve heard this before, it’s a mantra of every culture on the planet. You know who says it most? Broke people.


The rich get richer because they have a wealthy money vibration code. However, the poor don’t get poorer. But, they do stay poor because they have a negative money vibration.


People who struggle with money are living out a subconscious money mindset. Most are not even fully aware of it.


We live in a beautiful, incredible, amazing, generous and abundant universe. You can have anything you want and it does not take anything away from anyone else.

In fact, imagine if you were a millionaire … wouldn’t you help your family and other people. When you have an overflowing bank account, aren’t you going to donate to other people? The more money you have, the more you can help others.

This is why understanding and reprogramming your money vibration code is so important. Our subconscious money vibration set-point determines if you are rich or struggle with money.


If it is set to broke, you will always be broke. If it is set to deep in debt, you will always be deep in debt. If it is set to “just getting by” then you will always be just getting by.


Albert Einstein said, “You cannot fix a problem with the same thinking that created it.”


Which means, you cannot fix your money problems with the same thinking that created the money problems.



Another way of saying that is, “If you want things to change, then you must change.”


If you want to stop struggling with money and if you want your bank account always be growing, then you must change your money vibration code.

If you have a subconscious money set-point calibrated to “Money Flows to Me Easily,” guess what? You will always be attracting money. If it is set to millionaire, you will always be a millionaire.


Not only is your Money Vibration Code your subconscious money program.


It is your universal connection to the energy flow of money.

Ever notice that the more desperate you are for money, the harder it is to find money?

That’s because your money vibration is attracting more desperation.


Have you ever said, “I can’t afford that”?

That phrase attracts a LACK of money.


Saying, “I can’t afford it” is disempowering and like punching yourself in the gut.

“I can’t afford it” should be changed to “Not right now.”


Are you getting it?


That’s a totally different feeling when you say it, right? And has a very different meaning. Consciously, subconsciously, and energetically.


One says, I don’t have enough money. The other says, “I don’t waste my money foolishly.”


One slows the water flow of money, while the other lets the money flow with full force.


Words have genuine power.


But the vibration those words give out is the difference between rich and poor.


It might seem crazy to think that money has a vibration. You may not realize it, but everyone is emotional about money. If you won lotto, you’d jump up for joy. But when you don’t have enough money to pay the bills, there is stress, anxiety and sleepless nights.


Emotions have a vibration, good and bad. Anger has a different vibration than love. So doesn’t it make sense that money has a vibration that is attracted and repelled by the money vibration you are giving out?

Some people are stressed by money. Some are tightwads. Others always spend more than they have. The way you feel about money effects your relationship the flow of money into your life.


For example, rich people look at a shovel as ask, “Where is the gold.” Poor people look at the shovel and complain about the price and how hard the work will be.


Not only that, but money itself is an energy. Notice that money flows to some people but stays away from others? Think Beverly Hills vs East Los Angeles. Geographically they are very close to each other. But one has mansions and Bentleys and the other has street crime and poverty.

I bet that by now you understand that you must change your money vibration to change your financial reality.


So let’s talk about how to change your money vibration set-point so that you stop repelling money, and start attracting an abundance of money with ease so that your bank account always grows.


First, there is no reason to blame yourself for your money blocks or lack of money. It’s is not your fault. You learned negative money beliefs since before you could walk. “Mommy, can we buy the toy?” “No baby, I don’t have enough money.” Or worse you heard, “Do I look like I am made out of money?”

You may have been programmed for scarcity, but you don’t have to keep that programming. You can change it.


To help you kick-start your way to wealth and abundance and raise your money vibration set-point so that money can start flowing into your life with ease, I created a money reprogramming system called the “Money Flows to Me.” (Miracle Money Magnet)

This simple program

This simple program is your way to a higher money vibration set-point because I know the struggle of trying to manifest money and nothing happens. I know what it is like to work 80 hours a week just to get ahead, only to have more month at the end of the money.

I also know that money is NOT the root of all evil, but a LACK of money is the root of most problems. People lie, cheat and steal for money. 80% of marriage problems are because of a lack of money. Stress and sleepless nights are caused by money problems.


Your subconscious scarcity money programming says that money is bad and too much money is evil. That’s not true. Money is not bad or good. Money is an extension of the person using it.

Are you a good person? Then you will do good things with it when you are overflowing with money. That’s the very first thing you must learn and adopt as an unwavering belief. You are a good person who deserves money and money is an extension of your goodness.


When you solve your money struggles, you solve most of your stresses and problems.

It won’t solve all your problems, but if you can write a check for it, you don’t have that problem.


When you have an abundance of money, you will have a better lifestyle, help others, and contribute more.


That’s what you want right?

To be financially stress free, live a great lifestyle,
and help your family and others?

So how do you do that?

How do you turn your financial limitations into financial prosperity?
It’s a simple 5 step method I personally created called,
“Miracle Money Magnets.”


So let me explain the steps of  Miracle Money Magnetsa little deeper

STEP 1 – I am Worthy of Money and Wealth


It is impossible to be rich and to keep your wealth if you do not truly believe that you are worthy of money, abundance and lasting wealth. If you are honest with yourself, you know there is a lot of resistance around money.

If there wasn’t you’d already have all the money you wanted. This is why we must start with aligning your subconscious mind to a wealth mindset and reprogram your beliefs about money. If you don’t do this, nothing else matters.

Miracle Money Magnets


STEP 2 – Words That Repel Money & Words that Attract Money

Words have power. More than most realize. If you use negative money words on a regular bases, you can never have an abundance of wealth. Money wants to flow to you. It truly does. But not when you are resistant to it or repel it.

Your resistance shows up in your words because your words represent your thoughts and your thoughts represent your subconscious beliefs. You are using words and phrases that repel money like a flashing neon sign that says “closed for the season.” Learn the words that repel money and learn the words that attract money and wealth.

Miracle Money Magnets

STEP 3 – Stop Negative Money Beliefs

Negative money beliefs will stop wealth in its tracks. It’s hidden deep inside the subconscious caverns of your mind and when you try to get ahead, those hidden money beliefs will repel money.

The interesting thing is that we often don’t realize what our deep beliefs are or how much negative beliefs are holding us back. But when you change your money beliefs, you change your life.

Miracle Money Magnets

STEP 4 – Money Vibration Reset

You can’t fix a problem with the same thinking that created it. If your money vibration set-point is set to “just getting by,” when you get extra money, it will vanish to match your money vibration set-point.

This is why we must upgrade your money programming and reset your money vibration set-point. Like a thermostat in the house, if it is set to 60 degrees, the house will never get above 60 degrees. When you change your money thermostat higher more money comes into your life.

STEP 5 – The Laws of Millionaires

Millionaires think and act differently than the average person. That’s why they are millionaires. While there are many things that make them different, there are a few basic laws of millionaires that make the difference between struggling with money and being wealthy.

The reality is that becoming a millionaire isn’t uncommon anymore. Especially if you do the right things. Live by these laws and you too can become one of the millions of new millionaires created each year.

Miracle Money Magnets Conclusion: Reprogram Your Money Vibration for Abundance

If you’re tired of struggling with money and ready to change your financial reality, it’s time to raise your money vibration. The Miracle Money Magnets program offers a simple, effective way to shift your mindset and start attracting money with ease. By aligning your subconscious mind with wealth, breaking free from negative beliefs, and adopting millionaire habits, you can transform your financial life and experience the abundance you deserve.

Start today and change your money vibration set-point. Your journey to financial freedom and prosperity starts now!


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