Monastic Healing~Magnetic Healing Mat System with Two 3.5" Quartz Crystal Etheric Weavers

Monastic Healing~Magnetic Healing Mat System with Two 3.5" Quartz Crystal Etheric Weavers

  • $798.00
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The Magnetic Cube Mat is a bio-magnetic mat for healing a person at the deepest level of their being - integrating the Soul with the Personality. It radiates the Monadic, Soul-filled Light and Healing Blessings of Buddha Maitreya the Christ and is based on the sacred geomancy the Metatron's Cube.
Use the Metatron Mat on a daily basis to help heal physically, emotionally and mentally; to develop and strengthen virtue and self-realize your divine and soulful, Buddha nature. Lying on the Mat stimulates chi to help revitalize and regenerate the physical body, calm the emotions and clear the mind. It has a deeply meditative effect that allows one to be more present in the moment, positive, joyful and better able to respond in Love - furthering a more harmlessness in all aspects of life.
The 2.25ft long half mat has one Metatron cube grid made from durable copper fabric with powerful neodymium rare earth magnets placed at each diamond intersection creating a stable and ordered magnetic field. It radiates Buddha Maitreya the ChristÕs healing blessings to promote order and stability; clear and stabilize the etheric field so a person naturally enjoys improved vitality and supports the emotional and mental bodies to reflect the higher energies of the Soul.
The grid is protected with 100% cotton batting and a washable organic Be Harmless cotton outer cover. Each Mat has two external connection points, one on each side, that connect to the grids inside. A set of leads is provided to connect the Mat with two Etheric Weavers that can be held in the hand during a meditation or healing treatment for increased benefit.
The mat has many uses and benefits e.g. healing, self-healing, pain relief, reducing stress, relaxation, deep meditation, and improved sleep. Easily transportable, it folds into an organic cotton carry bag - making it easy to travel with. Great for use with massage and many other complimentary therapies. Comes with a full set of Soul Therapy Music CDs (A $105 value) performed and produced by Buddha Maitreya the Christ to use for meditation and healing with the Mat for greatest effect

The Metatron Cube Mat is a powerful, portable healing and meditation biomagnetic mattress pad designed to go on a bed, chair or massage table. Use for healing, self-healing, restful sleep, deep meditation, the Mat combines the sacred geometric proportions of the Metatron Cube together with an electromagnetic grid. The Mat is blessed by Buddha Maitreya the Christ to awaken the sacred geometry of the form and transmit his Monadic, Soul-filled Light and healing, spiritual blessings to help humanity heal by receiving Soul Therapy. Sit or lie on the mat day and night for meditation, self-healing, deep relaxation and sleep. The system helps to stimulate vitality, align the Etheric Field and revitalize the physical body, naturally calming the emotions and clearing the mind. The mat attunes to your meridian system and the natural magnetic field of the body. It neither over-stimulates nor under-stimulates but balances and purifies the energy systems of the body. It works on the cause all the way down to the energetic field and applies the divine configuration of the Metatron Cube to attune to the DNA in the body - the physical DNA, the light that is in the DNA and the magnetic field that carries that light. By holding Vajras or Etheric Weavers connected to the Mat all 7 chakras - the higher chakras and the lower chakras are balanced and connected in right relationship. This gives your brain the opportunity to fully open up. Energy is continually moved through the etheric field of the person laying on the Mat system, allowing an increasing vibrational attunement in relationship to the Light of the Soul. Practitioners like massage therapists find that by incorporating the Metatron Mat System it deepens the healing benefit for the client and protects them from absorbing negative energy as their clients are automatically transforming, transmuting and healing themselves while lying on the Mat.

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