Healing Crystal Reviews,Which stone or crystal is right for me?
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- Tags: Crystal Review, Healing Crystal
Siberian Quartz Crystal Essences ~The healing properties of crystal essence
Posted by Tony MK on
Siberian Quartz Crystal Essences ~The Healing Properties Of Crystal Essence Pure Siberian Quartz crystals are grown, so the vibration becomes stronger and has Color Therapy applied within the crystal itself. There are 5 Siberian Quartz Crystal colors to choose from: clear, gold, aqua, blue, and violet. In color therapy, there is the ability to attune to the seven major chakras and bring alignment wherever there is an imbalance. The color of the quartz resonates as a form of color healing; this has been found to be very vitalizing for the many different needs and qualities of healing that the different colors...
- Tags: Blue Siberian Quartz, Blue Siberian Quartzv, Color Therapy, crystal essence, healing energy tools
Healing Energy Tools Metal Essences Review~Amazing Energy Healing Results
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What Is Color Therapy Healing?
Posted by Tony MK on
What is color therapy healing? Clear Clear contains all of the colors and aligns to an increase in higher levels of Being. It helps include the ability to be less attached to expectations and outcomes. It also helps develop the natural intuition of trust and the ability to listen and be more aware. Red Red aligns to the 1st Ray of the Crown Center and the Will of God. It helps to stimulate the ability to trust ourselves and the choices we make in life. It revitalizes the glands and immune system. It also strengthens the ability to be more courageous in life. Orange...
EarthPulse™ PEMF: Published PEMF Therapy Research & Pulsed Electromagnetic Devices
Posted by Tony MK on
EarthPulse™ PEMF: Published PEMF Therapy Research & Pulsed Electromagnetic Devices PEMF Therapy or Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy is according to Published Therapy Research up to 6 decades old and our Electromagnetic & Magnetic Sleep Device experimentation; the most powerful sleep, anti-ageing, longevity, performance enhancement and recovery biohacking tool there is. A PEMF mat is neither convenient nor as good as our nightly and night long, in your own bed EarthPulse™ PEMF pulsed electromagnetic fields. Biohack sleep, longevity, performance enhancement and ageing simply by going to your existing bed. EarthPulse™ PEMF is a new way of sleeping and living; and does PEMF differently,...