7/8″ Copper Etheric Weaver Earrings to Wear by Buddha Maitreya the Christ


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Mother’s Day Special – $115 Retail 20% OFF!

Buddha Maitreya the Christ’s Etheric Weaver® is a simple to use personal and planetary healing tool and can be used by anyone for deep meditation, self-healing and healing others. Simply hold by the teardrop, and let the crystal hang like a pendulum over your hand or the area being treated. Relax and clear your mind and allow the Etheric Weaver® to begin moving gently on its own as it works to calm, heal and align to the Soul – radiating the vitality of one’s attunement to God. Comes with a complimentary Soul Therapy® Music CD to use with Etheric Weaver® for meditation, healing and the blessing of a loving, quiet mind.
Healing the Etheric Field

“The Etheric Weaver allows you to experience the phenomenon of healing that you think you need to go to others for. Using the Etheric Weaver, you align to your own self, your Soul, and it gives you spontaneous meditation without having to learn how to shut your mind down as meditation should be 24 hours a day, everything…simply, the ability to respond. So you need to bring these abilities out. With the Etheric Weaver you can help people with all sorts of physical and emotional and mental difficulties, but you can also affect their Soul and a whole transition of life takes place for them. And you learn the benefit of meditation and that is Life – it is extremely spiritual. Using the Etheric Weaver helps you tune into your own Buddha nature in your higher mind, heart and physical being and that is the same thing as the Etheric Weaver – it is resonating with your Etheric field, your Etheric body and that wakes you up and that regulates your chakras better than anyone or anything else and there are no limitations as to how holy that self can be.” Buddha Maitreya the Christ.


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