Witchcraft collection~Altar pentacolo of the Goddess Cerridwen

  • $71.79
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This beautiful and unique altar table is made thanks to pawlonia wood, a plant that reaches almost 2 meters high and whose wood is not subject to the aggression of parasites.
Precisely for this reason we choose it in the esoteric field because symbolically it is a strong wood even on the etheree plane, and counteracts the approach of larvae or other.

This altar pentacle is dedicated to the Goddess Cerridwen, the old woman, the witch, the lady of the magic of the waning moon, with her ability to see clearly beyond the veil, a function she exerts through her cauldron, a source of wisdom, inspiration, rebirth and transformation. Cerridwen is sometimes named Anna or Annys, the queen witch of the dead. It is the spirit of the kingdom of the dead, and it is precisely for the latter characteristic that is celebrated especially in October.
The cauldron of Cerridwen represents the journey within ourselves, the delving into the dark meanderings of our souls, facing what frightens and blocks us.