What Is Color Therapy Healing?

Incorporating color therapy into your life can be done in various ways. Here are a few methods to begin your color healing journey:


Clear contains all of the colors and aligns to an increase in higher levels of Being. It helps include the ability to be less attached to expectations and outcomes. It also helps develop the natural intuition of trust and the ability to listen and be more aware.


Red aligns to the 1st Ray of the Crown Center and the Will of God. It helps to stimulate the ability to trust ourselves and the choices we make in life. It revitalizes the glands and immune system. It also strengthens the ability to be more courageous in life.


Orange aligns to the 4th Ray of the Base Center of Harmony through Conflict. It helps to restore balance (like a tonic) where there is stress and a lowering of vitality to the glands and organs. It helps to reduce problems with the bowels like a laxative. It helps to increase digestion. It also balances the mental and emotional bodies from the effects of worry and depression.


Gold aligns to the 3rd Ray of the Throat Center of Creative Active Intelligence. It helps promote the mental activity of creative thought. It balances the nerves and stimulates the healing of wounds and skin problems. It is also good for balancing an overly active mind.


Green aligns to the 5th ray of the Brow Center of Revelation. It helps to release the concrete mind and increases a more open mind that can de-crystallize the lack of ability to realize a greater truth. It helps to relax the mind, emotions, and physical body. It also provides balance and stimulates the natural magnetic healing abilities latent in all of Humanity and Animals.


Aqua aligns to the 2nd Ray of the Heart Center of Loving Wisdom and Understanding. It helps increase the natural integration of your Soul and higher mental clarity that stimulates the spontaneous healing from Love in your mental, emotional and physical bodies with the Light of the Soul. It also helps to heal mental criticism and fear.


Indigo aligns to the 7th Ray and the Sacral Center – the sexual Center of Relationships. It helps you to relax and increases self-control. It helps to increase communication on all levels. It also helps to learn to forgive and forget the past negative relationships that block the ability to be open to new relationships that are loving and supportive, rather than attract negative and emotional non-supportive relationships.


Violet aligns to the 6th Ray of the Solar Plexus of Devotion and Reverence. It helps heal the emotional attachment of desires and obsessions and releases the astral nature of hate and aggression to be transformed into Soulful Love.


All of the seven rainbow colors combined in a configuration that exoterically aligns with visible white light and provides the full range of color therapy. It helps to balance the body, mind, and emotions greatly. It helps to release the past that blocks the ability to be spontaneous. It also helps to detoxify the blood from impurities and helps to release impurities while dieting or exercising.

Seven Rays

All colors of the Seven Rays of God combined in a configuration that esoterically aligns to the Upper and Lower Chakras as they would align in a healthy, selfless individual. It helps to heal the lower nature of Personality and helps bring forth your Soulful, loving nature. It also helps to prevent psychic attacks and harmful relationships.

Introduction to Color Therapy Healing

Color therapy healing, also known as chromotherapy, is a holistic approach to healing that uses colors and their vibrational energy to restore balance and harmony to the body, mind, and spirit. Each color has its own frequency and unique healing properties, which can be used to promote physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Color therapy can be utilized in various forms, such as through visual exposure to specific colors, colored lights, or even clothing and accessories.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the significance of each color in color therapy healing, its benefits, and how it can be incorporated into your wellness routine to enhance overall health and vitality.

Clear – The Ultimate Connection to Higher Being

The color Clear contains all of the colors in the spectrum and is believed to align with an increase in higher levels of being. Clear helps to release attachments to expectations and outcomes, nurturing trust and intuitive awareness. It can aid in becoming more present and connected, increasing your ability to listen and be more mindful of your surroundings and inner self.

Benefits of Clear:

  • Enhances intuitive trust
  • Increases spiritual awareness and presence
  • Relieves attachment to expectations and outcomes

Red – Energizing and Courageous

The color Red aligns with the 1st Ray of the Crown Center, representing the Will of God. It stimulates courage, vitality, and self-trust. Red is known to activate the glands and immune system, making it a powerful choice for energizing and revitalizing the body. It also strengthens your ability to trust yourself and the choices you make in life.

Benefits of Red:

  • Increases courage and confidence
  • Stimulates the immune system and glands
  • Enhances vitality and self-trust

Orange – Restoring Balance and Harmony

Orange aligns with the 4th Ray of the Base Center, the center of Harmony through Conflict. It serves as a natural tonic for the body and mind, restoring balance and vitality where stress or exhaustion has drained energy. Orange is particularly beneficial for digestive issues and is also effective in balancing emotions, reducing feelings of worry and depression.

Benefits of Orange:

  • Balances the digestive system
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Restores emotional harmony

Yellow-Gold – Creative and Mental Clarity

The colors Yellow-Gold are associated with the 3rd Ray of the Throat Center, representing creative intelligence. These colors help to stimulate mental activity, enhancing clarity and creative thought. Yellow-Gold is also excellent for calming an overactive mind and stimulating skin healing.

Benefits of Yellow-Gold:

  • Promotes creative thinking and intelligence
  • Calms an overactive mind
  • Helps heal skin wounds

Green – Natural Healing and Balance

Green is linked to the 5th Ray of the Brow Center, the center of Revelation. It encourages the release of rigid thinking and encourages more openness to greater truths. Green brings relaxation to the mind, body, and emotions, offering healing and balance to both humans and animals. It is often used to stimulate natural healing abilities.

Benefits of Green:

  • Promotes emotional and physical relaxation
  • Stimulates natural healing abilities
  • Balances the mind, body, and spirit

Sky-Blue/Aqua – Heart-Centered Healing

Sky-Blue, or Aqua, aligns with the 2nd Ray of the Heart Center, the center of loving wisdom. Aqua promotes integration of your Soul and higher mental clarity, facilitating spontaneous healing. It is also known to heal mental criticism and fear, offering a sense of peace and love in all aspects of life.

Benefits of Sky-Blue/Aqua:

  • Enhances mental clarity and spiritual integration
  • Heals mental criticism and fear
  • Promotes heart-centered healing

Indigo-Blue – Relaxation and Communication

Indigo, representing the 7th Ray of the Sacral Center, helps with relaxation and self-control. It is particularly beneficial for improving communication on all levels, and it encourages emotional healing and forgiveness. Indigo helps release past relationship trauma, fostering openness to loving and supportive relationships.

Benefits of Indigo-Blue:

  • Increases self-control and communication
  • Supports emotional healing and forgiveness
  • Releases negative relationship patterns

Violet – Transmuting Negative Energies

Violet aligns with the 6th Ray of the Solar Plexus, the center of devotion and reverence. It works to release emotional attachments, obsessions, and negative energy such as hate and aggression. Violet helps transmute these energies into love and compassion, promoting emotional healing and balance.

Benefits of Violet:

  • Transforms negative energy into love and compassion
  • Heals emotional attachments and obsessions
  • Promotes peace and balance
    Avsso.com Understanding Color Therapy Healing: Harness the Power of Colors for Your Mind, Body, and Spirit
    Avsso-Color therapy healing

Rainbow – Full Spectrum Healing

The Rainbow color configuration, when all seven colors are combined, creates a powerful energy that balances the body, mind, and emotions. This configuration aligns with the visible white light and helps detoxify the blood and release impurities, especially during dieting or exercise. It also encourages spontaneity by releasing past blockages.

Benefits of Rainbow:

  • Balances the body, mind, and emotions
  • Detoxifies and cleanses the body
  • Encourages spontaneity and releases past blockages

Seven Rays – The Full Spectrum of Healing Energy

The Seven Rays are an esoteric alignment that harmonizes the upper and lower chakras. This energy configuration helps heal the lower aspects of personality, bringing forth the soul’s loving and selfless nature. It also protects against psychic attacks and harmful relationships, offering protection and healing on all levels.

Benefits of Seven Rays:

  • Heals the personality and promotes selflessness
  • Balances the upper and lower chakras
  • Provides protection against psychic attacks

How to Use Color Therapy Healing

Incorporating color therapy into your life can be done in various ways. Here are a few methods to begin your color healing journey:

  • Visualization: Meditate by visualizing the healing color surrounding your body.
  • Color Clothing: Wear clothing in colors that align with the healing you seek.
  • Colored Lighting: Use colored light bulbs in your environment to bathe yourself in the healing energy of the color.
  • Gemstones and Crystals: Use color-infused gemstones or crystals for their vibrational healing properties.
    Incorporating color therapy into your life can be done in various ways. Here are a few methods to begin your color healing journey:
    color therapy

 Color Therapy Conclusion

Color therapy healing offers a powerful way to balance and heal your body, mind, and spirit. By understanding the specific benefits of each color, you can create a healing environment that supports your physical and emotional well-being. Whether you’re looking to reduce stress, promote mental clarity, or enhance emotional balance, color therapy is a simple yet profound tool that taps into the power of light and energy.

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