Siberian Quartz Crystal Essences ~The healing properties of crystal essence

Posted by Tony MK on

Siberian Quartz Crystal Essences ~The Healing Properties Of Crystal Essence

Pure Siberian Quartz crystals are grown, so the vibration becomes stronger and has Color Therapy applied within the crystal itself. There are 5 Siberian Quartz Crystal colors to choose from: clear, gold, aqua, blue, and violet. In color therapy, there is the ability to attune to the seven major chakras and bring alignment wherever there is an imbalance. The color of the quartz resonates as a form of color healing; this has been found to be very vitalizing for the many different needs and qualities of healing that the different colors resonate with and bring into balance. As with all essences, use your intuition in selecting a color before learning more about its qualities. Whichever color you chose, the healing effect of the tools comes from the transmission of Monadic, Soul-filled Light of Buddha Maitreya to heal the Etheric Field, an energetic field that combines the mental, emotional, and physical with the Monad, Soul, and Personality as an expression of Spiritual Self Realization and Wellbeing.


Clear Quartz Crystal

Pure clear quartz helps to increase the higher levels of being, including the ability to be less attached to expectations and outcomes, helping the natural intuition of trust and the ability to listen and be more aware. The clear quartz crystal is a photon light source and, as such, contains pure white light, which, when refracted, has hidden within all 7 colors or rays of the spectrum with the consequent ability to align all of the chakras and subtle bodies. Some of the qualities clear quartz stimulates are higher ideals to ease possessiveness and self-centeredness, emotional calm and harmony, higher mind that eradicates base thoughts. Clear quartz helps to assimilate life force in the body – easing depression and providing the inspiration to experience the highest spiritual teachings.

Aqua Siberian Quartz

Aqua Siberian Quartz Crystal increases the natural integration of the Soul and the higher mental clarity that stimulates spontaneous healing from love in one's mental, emotional and physical bodies. It helps to heal mental criticism and fear and gives a lot more strength and the ability to be grounded. On an esoteric level, it aligns to the 2nd Ray of the Loving Wisdom of the Heart. The color of Aqua works very well with the Heart Center; it is blue with potent White Light passing through it, like Electric Blue. This color is very cleansing; it is like being continuously flushed with water - Holy Water. The Heart is a very flowing reality that is stimulated by the Aqua so that we can be very aligned to the Will of God. Because the Will of God is so forceful, a person has to have enough 2nd Ray strength and courage to handle that much energy. It takes 2nd Ray to handle that. The Siberian Aqua is Light Blue which is just the 2nd Ray. We are dealing with the Will of Power, the Will of God, and the blessing of what it is to have that and be in right relationship with it. So we need to allow it in and let the Holy Spirit manifest in the way it does and enjoy it. The Aqua Siberian helps stimulate the person to connect with the 1st Ray and the 2nd Ray simultaneously, so it gives a lot more strength and a lot more ability to be grounded.

Blue Siberian Quartz

Blue Siberian Quartz Crystal aligns to the 7th Ray of Right Relationship. It helps to relax, increase self-control and improve communication on all levels - helping one to learn to forgive and forget the past negative relationships that block the ability to be open to new relationships that are loving and supportive rather than attracting negative emotionally non-supportive relationships. The dark blue crystal aligns to the relationship of the sacral center for healing personal relationships that are based on the pairs of opposites and influences that are more aligned to pleasing other people and drawing relationships to a person that are more based on influences of desire. It stimulates the vitality of the etheric field to heal those relationships to have a greater amount of right relationship based on complementation and the awakening of the Soul. This includes the type of work and people that should be in your life that would bring out soul, vitality, and healing so that the integration of the Soul can express a more natural lifestyle. It also helps activate the magnetic healing ability that a person may have, like laying on of hands.


Gold Siberian Quartz

Gold Siberian Quartz aligns to the 3rd Ray of Creative Active Intelligence. It promotes the mental activity of creative thought, balances the nervous system and overly active minds. It stimulates the healing of wounds and skin problems. The Siberian Gold crystal aligns to the relationship of the Throat center, initiating a clearing that facilitates the ability to work out problems in a good way. The Gold Siberian can be used to treat problems to do with the sacral center and awakens the ability to respond to life in a way that is more natural and less fanatical. It promotes the mental activity of creative thought.

Violet Siberian Quartz

Violet Siberian Quartz aligns to the 6th Ray of Aspiration, Devotion & Reverence. It heals the emotional attachment of desires and obsessions and helps to release the astral nature of hate and aggression to be transformed into soulful love. The Siberian violet crystal aligns with the energy of the solar plexus center. It helps to heal the relationships of emotions and astral influences that cause continuous bad habits and lessons that are very difficult to learn and circumstances and relationships that are based on personality judgments, criticisms, and negativity. The Siberian violet helps to heal these processes and strengthen the connection to the heart over the influences of separation, anger, and distrust. It helps to enhance a person to release from energies that are draining like astral influences that drain the personality and help transfer that into more soulful energy that is revitalizing and regenerating.

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