What Is Color Therapy Healing?

Posted by Tony MK on

What is color therapy healing?


Clear contains all of the colors and aligns to an increase in higher levels of Being. It helps include the ability to be less attached to expectations and outcomes. It also helps develop the natural intuition of trust and the ability to listen and be more aware.


Red aligns to the 1st Ray of the Crown Center and the Will of God. It helps to stimulate the ability to trust ourselves and the choices we make in life. It revitalizes the glands and immune system. It also strengthens the ability to be more courageous in life.


Orange aligns to the 4th Ray of the Base Center of Harmony through Conflict. It helps to restore balance (like a tonic) where there is stress and a lowering of vitality to the glands and organs. It helps to reduce problems with the bowels like a laxative. It helps to increase digestion. It also balances the mental and emotional bodies from the effects of worry and depression.


Gold aligns to the 3rd Ray of the Throat Center of Creative Active Intelligence. It helps promote the mental activity of creative thought. It balances the nerves and stimulates the healing of wounds and skin problems. It is also good for balancing an overly active mind.


Green aligns to the 5th ray of the Brow Center of Revelation. It helps to release the concrete mind and increases a more open mind that can de-crystallize the lack of ability to realize a greater truth. It helps to relax the mind, emotions, and physical body. It also provides balance and stimulates the natural magnetic healing abilities latent in all of Humanity and Animals.


Aqua aligns to the 2nd Ray of the Heart Center of Loving Wisdom and Understanding. It helps increase the natural integration of your Soul and higher mental clarity that stimulates the spontaneous healing from Love in your mental, emotional and physical bodies with the Light of the Soul. It also helps to heal mental criticism and fear.


Indigo aligns to the 7th Ray and the Sacral Center - the sexual Center of Relationships. It helps you to relax and increases self-control. It helps to increase communication on all levels. It also helps to learn to forgive and forget the past negative relationships that block the ability to be open to new relationships that are loving and supportive, rather than attract negative and emotional non-supportive relationships.


Violet aligns to the 6th Ray of the Solar Plexus of Devotion and Reverence. It helps heal the emotional attachment of desires and obsessions and releases the astral nature of hate and aggression to be transformed into Soulful Love.


All of the seven rainbow colors combined in a configuration that exoterically aligns with visible white light and provides the full range of color therapy. It helps to balance the body, mind, and emotions greatly. It helps to release the past that blocks the ability to be spontaneous. It also helps to detoxify the blood from impurities and helps to release impurities while dieting or exercising.

Seven Rays

All colors of the Seven Rays of God combined in a configuration that esoterically aligns to the Upper and Lower Chakras as they would align in a healthy, selfless individual. It helps to heal the lower nature of Personality and helps bring forth your Soulful, loving nature. It also helps to prevent psychic attacks and harmful relationships.



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